Shehgarlynn's Blog



You are my Auntie

My beautiful Auntie

You make me happy when you are here with us

You make me know how much I Love You

Because you are my Auntie Shehla

By: Mark Andrew


An Educated, With money, and Well dressed

You are so high that I can’t reach you out

Yet so down to earth that anybody can think highly of

You are so dear; like an angel sent by Allah (S.W.T.)

Influencing other; to love one another

A beautiful image was created when you were born

A highly regard human being right now

A perfect example for humanity

This Poem is for you

Meant only for you

So that you’ll know

How blessed am I that I have you in my life

My Auntie Shehla or Lynn

Or whatever your name is or will be

Who have been helping us financially

And enthuses us much

Thank you, for entirety.


By: Jennela






Everytime I think of you

I always catch my breath

I’m still standing here

And your miles away

And I wonder why

And there’s a storm that’s ranging through my frozen heart tonight

I hear your name in certain circles

and it always makes me smile

I spent my time just thinking’s about you

And its my heart that’s begging down this long distance

And I ain’t missing’ you Auntie Shehla

Since you’ve went home

Hopefully someday, somewhere, somehow, well be together

With my family.

By: Leng leng

As a child I dream


Of a world cool and clean
So let us love and care
For Mother Nature dear.
Men and women of great heart
Strong, brave, and smart
Men and women of great mionds
Old and young, of different kinds.


Celebrate Nature’s Glory

It could have been a lonely nights,


But tree and shade shared a common greenness.

It could have been a tearful night,

But the teasing shadows shook with laughter;

It could have been a poor night,

But the gentle breeze

By: Melanie


The Owl and the Pussycat

The Owl and the Pussycat went to the sea


In a beautiful pea-green boat;

They took some honey, and plenty of money

Wrapped up in a five-pound note.

The Owl looked up to the stars above,

And sang to a small guitar:

“O lovely Pussy, O Pussy you are,

You are,

You are!

What a beautiful Pussy you are!”

Pussy said to the Owl. “You elegant fowl!

How charmingly sweet you sing!

O let us be married, too long we have tarried

But what shall we do for a ring?”

They sailed away for a year and a day,

To the land where the bong-tree grows,

And there in a wood a Piggy-wig stood,

With a ring at the end of his nose,

His nose,

His nose,

With a ring at the end of its nose.

“Dear Pig, are you willing tosell for one shilling

Your ring?” said the Piggy, “I will.”

So they took it away, and were married next day

By the Turkey who lived on the hill.

They dined on mince and slices of quince,

Which they eat with a runcible spoon;

And hand in hand, on the edge of the sand,

They danced by the light of the moon,

The moon,

The moon,

They danced by the light of the moon.

By: Marvie


All things bright and beautiful
All creatures great and small
All things wise and wonderful,
The Lord Almighty made them all,
Each little bird that sings,
He made their glowing colors,
He made their tiny wings,
The purple-headed mountain,
The river running by,
The morning and the sunset,
That brightens up the sky.
The cold wind in the winter,
The pleasant summer sun,
The ripe fruits in the garden,
He made them every one.
The tall trees in the greenwood,
The meadows where we play,
The rushes by the water,
We gather every day.
He gave usa eyes to see them,
And lips that we might tell,
How great is God Almighty,
Who has made all things well
By: Marjorie
I wish I were a little key
That opens every heart,
So love can go out and be free
To love and to be loved
I wish I were a little flower
A little flower that smells so sweet
So its fragrance can give joy
To all and everyone.
But oh dear Lord! What I wish most,
Is to be  loved the one I love!
So that we will be one love

By: Lilian Y. Lim (ley)

Blessed are the poor in spirit,
for theirs is the kingdom of heaven.
Blessed are the  meek,
for they shall possess the earth.
Blessed are they who mourn
for justice, for they shall be consoled.
Blessed are they who hunger and thirst
for justice, for they shall be satisfied.
Blessed are the mercyful,
for they shall obtain mercy
Blessed are the clean of heart,
for they shall see god.
Blessed are the peacemakers,
for they shall be called the Children of God.
Blessed are they who suffer persecution
for justice’s sake,
for theirs is the kingdom of heaven.

By: kim


Happy the man who finds Wisdom

The man who gains understanding!

For the profit from Wisdom is better than frofit in silver,

And beter than gold is her revenue;

She is more precious than corals,

And none of your choice possessions

Can compare with her.

Long life is in her right hand,

In her left are riches and honor;

Her ways are pleasant ways,

And all her paths are peace.

She is a tree of life to those who grasp her,

And he is happy who holds her fast.




True friends are for life
Until the end
They’re more than special
They’re your bestest friends.

They’re the ones you can go to
When you’re in despair
The ones that’ll help you
Even when you got gum in your hair!

They’re the ones who’ll laugh
And go laughing with you all through the night
The ones who’ll help you
Help you with all their might

To have a good friend
You have to be one
So be nice to one another
So you can be friends forever
And that’s how to be the best friend

By: Cherry Ann

The Plant
In the heart of a seed
Buried deep so deep
A dear little plant
Lay past asleep
Wake said the sunshine
And creep to the light
Wake said the voice of the raindrops bright
The little plant heard
And it rose to sea
What a wonderful sight
The outside world might be

By: Tintin


Tiny grains of dry, light sand,

Make up the long, broad strand;

Tiny drops of pattering rain,

The deep wide sea sustain.

Tiny drops of pearly dew,

Cool some drooping flown anew;

Little flashes of tiny light,

Brighten manly a darksome night.

Little hands linked together,

Form a circle of love and laughter;

Little words in kindness spoken,

Can mend a heart that” broken.

By: Ariane


I love the things that God has made!

I love the big round sun.

That seems to say, “Come out and play”

And gives a smile to everyone.

I love the clouds that sail like ships

Moving fas in the sea-blue sky

I love the wind that whispers

To the trees as I pass by,

I love the rain that gives drink

To lovely growing things,

And splashes in the puddles

Making little magic rings.

I love the softly glowing moon,

The stars like a candlelight.

That God leaves on when He has drawn

The curtain when the night comes.

By: Adrian and Lourdes

Growing Through Temptation

Happy is the man who don’t give in and do wrong,

When he is tempted,

For afterwards he will get as his reward the crown of life,

That Allah (S.A.W.)  has promised those who love Him.

Our temptation have been our masters in divinity.

This is my short saying or Poem.

By: Margie


You came into my life 
 When everything was allright
 You were always at my side
 Through all the days and nights 
Then we became good friends 
Though we have a lot of differences
 But that was long ago
 Til we finally grow
 Soon we discover
That we have fallen for each other
 Then we became lover
 And swear not to fall for other
 But years became a test of time
 Hurriedly you change your mind
 My love what have I done?
How am I, now that you're gone!  


Loving you has taught me so much

It is you who gave meaning to my life

How to face the world with you on my side

And understand why day comes after night

You also showed me the real me

And Introduced things which I can not see

You gave me confidence and said feel free

That I learned things which I know I should’nt be

It is you who taught me love

That inspire me in everything I do

That leads me anywhere I go

That almost thought you’re an angel sent from above

Above all you are the one whom I bear hatred

Months after I named you “Mr. heartless”

‘Cause you never cared “bout my love for you

Then I realize that loving you is just but pain to bear.

By: Phobe

7 Responses to "Poems"

Thank’ s you po for posting our poem…

You are welcome!!

You are all welcome…

Hoping you enjoy reading my blog.

Thank’s you for visiting my site…

is very nice n good.

thanks sylvia, sino ang nanalo sa poems?

how beautiful is your poem, how i wish, someday somehow. somebody will send me a good poem. hehehehehehehe i like it.

Thank’s Nellie, for your compliments…heheh

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