Shehgarlynn's Blog

Archive for March 5th, 2011

This recipe I learned from a family friend, who invited us to have lunch with them, and after lunch, they offer us to have a tea together with this pastry with cheese inside. After a month we invited them to have a dinner with us, so I prepared this pastry with mix vegetable with chicken inside.

One day I bake the same pastry, and I brought in my job to let my co workers to taste the same pastry that I made. One of them miss Ella, who is interested to learned how I made.

So, that is why I posted here in my hubs.

Hi Ate Ella, I am so sorry! I know you are waiting this recipe for long time.

Finally I made it. Thanks for waiting, I hope you will enjoy and have fun..


2 tablespoon sesame seeds

2 teaspoon vegetable or canola oil

2 cubes bouillon (add 1 as your taste)

1 packed of mix vegetable

3 cups mozzarella cheese

3 larges eggs

1 large onion (slice )

1 lb grind chicken

1 whole garlic smashed (as you desire)

2 pack Pastry


Preheat the big pot, add oil when it hot, add the garlic till little brown add onion then chicken and saute literally until the chicken little bit cook then add the mix vegetable on it, till it cooked. (don’t overcooked)

Take it out from the pot, put on the bowl or drain it, until it cool.

While cooking the chicken with vegetable, take out the pastry from the freezer till it soft ready to use.

Prepare the cheese and add the whites eggs, mix together with spatula.

Put aside the yolks and a small bowl and beat with fork.

Take out one by one the pastry then add the dried mix vegetable with chicken into half of the pastry in cover it add the mix cheese with white eggs both side to close.

Then put on the pan tray, brush the egg yolk on the top of the pastry then add sesame seed on it.

Bake for 350 degrees Fahrenheit to 45 minutes until it brown.

Thanks Ate Ella, for the recipe it is really delicious..


1 cup or 11/2 cup sugar (sweet)

1can coconut milk

1 can condense milk

1 can evap. milk

2 pck cassava cake

2 eggs optional

¼ stick butter or margarine

1 tbsp vanilla

Add all dried mix together

Bake 375* 30 to 45 min.


½ can condense milk

½ macapuno

2 eggs

Mix together with mixer and put on the top of cassava cake.

1. Mix them together and bake it in a gressed pan/pyrex for 1 hour at 350 degrees.
2. Remove the pyrex after an hour so you can put the topping.(see below)

1 can condensed milk
1 bottle of string macapuno.
Mix together and put on top of cassava, then bake again until topping is brown. Maybe 30 or 45 mins.


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